
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I deserve dessert

Pudding or mousse? I ll take both!

This is a really easy recipe, and you can make your favorite taste. I made chocolate and matcha (green tea powder from Japan).

This recipe makes a liter of pudding.

1 bag of gelatin powder (25 gr), dissolve in hot water 3,4 dl.

6,6 dl cream (2 pk fløte) that you mix with 4 ++ tbls sugar and cocoa powder.

Mix the gelatin with the whipped cream carefully with a blender. Pour it in to a lovely bowl and let it set for ca 3 hours ++ in the freezer.

Because of the whipped cream you ll get mousse on top, and pudding at the bottom. If you just want pudding, do not whip the cream, just blend the ingredients gently.

I made it in portions this time.

Birthday cupcakes!

I love to celebrate my birthday, and theese cupcakes are the perfect way to celebrate!

12 cupcakes:
Preheat oven to 375 f/ 190 c

200 gr Philadelphia cream cheese/Skyr naturel yoghurt.
1,5 dl Apple jam
150 gr Sugar
2 tbls Oil
2 Eggs

Mix together, then add

190 gr Flour
1 ts Baking soda (bakepulver)
1 ts Natron

Fill the cups half way up, then add a piece of white chocolate, and then fill them up. Bake for ca 15 min.

Cream cheese frosting:
200 gr Philadelphia cream cheese
2 dl Powdered sugar
2 tbls butter
and red food coloring to make it PINK!

Mix untill creamy texture.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Plum Umeshu!

Plum Liquor.
I bought a bottle when I was in Japan a couple a years ago, and it was so good I had to try and make it myself.

I made this bottle last fall, but it has to mature for almost a year before you can drink it.

Fill a jar with already washed plums, add a lot of sugar. I added 2 dl/2 cups in a 1l jar. Then add vodka till the jar is full. You have to turn the jar once every day for 15 days to allow the sugar to dissolve. I tasted it after a couple of weeks to see if it was sweet enough.

I made two versions, one with honey and one with half a lime. Must say the one with lime was my favorite.

Have a glass while watching Café Lumière/Kôhî jikô.

Ice Cream Soda

I've used the ice cream from my I sream for ice cream recipe, and put it in a glass of Sprite Zero.


Chocolate Mousse

I made this last night, and it was lovely to get home to after a hard day's work. It's easy to make, and can be made without sugar. You can eat it the same day that you make it, and that's a good thing if you're watching Chocolat and get the craving for something sweet. Pause the movie and whip it up! I don’t have any recipe that will stop the craving for that handsome river drifter…. if I find one I’ll let you know ;)

Anyways this is for 1, 2 or 3 persons. Depends on how much chocolate you can eat, I ate almost half this afternoon.

2 egg yolks
2 egg whites
1,5 dl cream (3/4 cup)
150 gr chocolate (I used Guylian, the sweetener is mailtol and doesn’t count as carbs)

You need three bowls and a casserole (and a dishwasher...)
Start by melting the chocolate. Then beat the egg whites until stiff. Whip the cream, and then the egg yolks. Stir the egg yolks in the melted chocolate, and then whip it together with the cream. Add the egg whites last, it needs to be carefully stirred in, use a spoon and take your time. When it's all blended and has a fluffy texture, place it in the bowl you want to serve it from. Leave it in the fridge for at least 30 min.

Ah! Chocolate heaven!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Raspberry Muffins

Something sweet for breakfast? These raspberry muffins will do it for ya! Originally I found the recipe at, but I've made some adjustments.

I brought these to work one day, and they all loved it! These aren’t exactly free of carbs… But just one won’t kill you:) I make them to make other people happy!

Preheat oven to 375 f/ 190 c
1 large egg lightly beaten
3/4 cup sugar

2/3 cups raps oil
3/4 cup sour cream

2 1/2 cups all purpose flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking soda
1 tsp vanilla

1/2 tsp cinnamon
2 cups frozen raspberries
1 cup walnuts

Mix in the same order the ingredients are listed. Break the raspberries and walnuts in half. Use a spoon to mix in the berries, so the batter doesn’t turn purple.

Bake about 25 min or until a toothpick comes out clean.

Spicy meatballs

Home made meatballs are easy to make. Eat these watching Sopranos! I always get hungry when they're eating delicious Italian food.

500 gr minced meat (I use the one with low fat, and more meat)

1 egg

2 tbls crumbles

1/2 chilli (or more, depends on how spicy you want it!)

1/2 chopped onion

1/2 chopped paprika

2 cloves garlic

1 tbls oil


black pepper

1 box chopped tomatos

The easiest thing is to use a food processor and mix it all. But mix the meat in last, so it don't get to creamy. I don't use a food processor because i like chunks of paprika and onion.
Juse two spoons to shape the meatballs what ever size you want, and put them in a heated pan with butter and oil. Turn them so that they are done on the outside. Then add the tomatos. Let i boil, and add salt, pepper and sugar (I use 1-2 tbls sugar). Remember to taste the sauce. Let it simmer for 10-15 min on low heat.
